Report from demo outside the camp of Elaionas

Report from yesterday’s demo (150 – 200 people) outside the camp of Elaionas.

Migrants staying in the camp were shouting slogans and livened up the gathering. With police blocking the main entrance, we united our voices when people climbed up the banisters and also gave multilingual texts to be distributed inside the camp. Communication with the detained migrants is more necessary than ever! We won’t leave migrants alone with cops, the military and the fascists.

We demand

-An end to the Greek State’s and the EU’s war on migrants, and a stop to all the military expeditions abroad.

– Shut down all the concentration camps, ‘’hot-spots’’ and replace them with truly open social structures within the cities for the homeless and marginalized locals and migrants.

Legal documents, health services, benefits, housing, equal working rights and education for everyone.

Common struggles of locals and migrants